Friday, September 26, 2014

Eyes Lips Face (ELF): Lip Exfoliator

So to kick things off today, I will be reviewing one of my all time favorite skincare products for you - ELF's Lip Exfoliator! This is the first skincare product I'm reviewing on my blog and I figured there was no better one to start with than one of my all time personal favorites.
I first learned about this product a while back from some youtube videos I watched by Emily from Beauty Broadcast who absolutely adores and swears by this product and consistently ranks among her top drugstore makeup finds. I was a little skeptical when I first got this product thinking oh I don't need this because my lips aren't super chapped or dry, but BOY WAS I WRONG!!! My lips have never been smoother than when I use this product. My lipsticks and lip glosses glide onto my lips so much better and visibly look smuch smoother and more flawless.
For only $3 this is such an affordable and wonderful product. You can buy ELF products from their website and they also sell some of their products at Target and other retailers (I've seen them at Marshalls, T.J. Maxx, etc.). I haven't seen this product at my local Target yet, so I purchased it off their website. Also, ELF somewhat often has half-off sales on their products so I like to try and wait for those before I make my purchases. I know that this isn't an expensive brand so it may seem silly to wait for the items to be half priced, but I figure I can try twice as many new products if I wait for the sale and who doesn't love a deal and saving money?!?
Stock photo courtesy of ELF
The product itself comes in a square tube reminiscent of a lipstick tube. In fact, this product is shaped like a lipstick and upon first glance you could definitely confuse it for one. However, this isn't a lipstick it's a lip exfoliator! I think it's absolutely perfect that it's in a lipstick form as it makes it super easy to apply. The formula of the product is like a brown sugary-sweet scrub with a gritty texture that is intended to exfoliate and remove the dry, dead skin from your lips so that they are oh so smooth. 
I tend to apply this product at night when I'm also exfoliating my face just since that's easiest for me (and because it's a little messy now that I'm toward the end of the tube), but you could definitely use this product before you put on your makeup in the morning. I apply it on my lips for about 30 seconds or so in a circular motion and then just wipe off the product with a makeup wipe. I think it's critical that you apply a really hydrating and moisturizing lip balm or chapstick to your after applying so that you renew the moisture back to your lips so they become incredibly soft. ELF claims that this product is moisturizing but that's definitely not true so you will need to do that yourself after you use this product. Lately I've been using my EOS Visibly Soft lip balm (which I previously did a review of here) and I absolutely adore it. It's probably the most hydrating lip balm I've used in a while and it's SO affordable, so if you're debating whether or not to get it, I definitely recommend it.

This product does become increasingly more gritty as you use it so if you aren't loving it right away keep with it and I promise it will get better. I find that upon first use the product in the tube doesn't seem very powerful and I caught myself wondering if it was actually going to do anything to my lips. There's almost a thin layer on the top outside of the tube that you need to get past and once you do it will become a very intense lip scrub. I've had my tube for a while now and you can see how gritty the texture has become. I will say, if you have very sensitive lips this product may be a little too harsh for you as you get toward the end of the tube. Personally, I love a rough exfoliator because I love how smooth my skin feels afterwards, but it is a little harsh and abrasive so be forewarned.
I will say, one negative I have about this product is that when you get toward the end of the tube the product starts crumbling. In fact, mine has even removed itself from being attached at the bottom and now is on an angle like the Leaning Tower of Pisa - a little unideal. However, because I love this product so much (and it is so affordable!) I am able to look past this flaw.
All in all, I love this product (if you can't tell by now) and highly recommend it! For only $3 it's such a bargain and it makes such a difference with the application and appearance of my lipsticks and lip glosses. Honestly, even if it was more expensive, like $15 or $20, I would probably still love it just as much and I would pay that amount for it because I've never seen a product like this and it works phenomenally well. Definitely give it a try, I promise you won't be disappointed! I'm waiting for the next ELF 50% off sale so I can buy another one. If you're waiting for that too, please leave a comment below and I will make sure to create a blog post when it starts so you don't miss out on it.

Have you tried out the ELF Lip Exfoliator yet? What are some of your favorite ELF products. I would love to hear from you so please leave a comment below!

Thanks for reading!

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