Sunday, October 26, 2014

Lush: Ayesha Fresh Face Mask

Hi everyone,

So I recently stopped by my local Lush store and picked up a couple items which I'll be reviewing over the next couple of weeks. The first item I'm reviewing today is the Ayesha Fresh Face Mask which was recommended to me by a Lush Sales Associate when I told her I was interested in a mask for dry skin that was targeted at removing dead skin and brightening the face. I'm not entirely sure this was the best mask for me, but since this was my first visit in a long while I took her advice and bought it.
This facial mask contains 2.1 oz of product and is vegetarian and preservative-free. This mask retails for $6.95 so it's very affordable and I think you could probably get between 3 and 5 uses out of it depending on how much you apply each time. This is a "fresh" product from Lush so you have to keep it in the refrigerator and they last about 2-3 weeks. I bought mine on 10/15 and it says it expires on 11/4 so you do have to use it fairly quickly. Also, once you bring back 5 face mask pots to Lush you'll get a free facial mask so in essence buy 5 get 1 free!
Lush describes the Ayesha Fresh Face Mask as "a blend of tightening and toning ingredients to refresh tired-looking skin. We use vitamin C-rich kiwi to brighten dull spots, asparagus to nourish and absorb excess oils and honey for hydrating and soothing red areas. This fresh mask is named after the fictional priestess who discovered the secret to immortality - ten minutes with it on and you’ll see why! Dull, tired and mature skin transforms for a bright, youthful glow."

To use this face mask, cleanse your face first and pat dry, then smooth a good amount of the product all over your entire face (avoiding the eyes and mouth). You should leave the mask on for about ten minutes but make sure to not let the mask dry completely.
So first off, I didn't realize this mask was intended for mature skin until I got home and read more about it. Had I known it was I probably wouldn't have gotten it as I'm 24 years old and definitely do not have mature skin. Nonetheless, I did find that this mask left my face ultra smooth and it made my skin feel tight (in a good way). It also took away all the dead skin on my face and left me really shiny for a day or two which is what I assume they refer to as the "youthful glow".

I was also very turned off by the smell of this product. It's a very strong earthy and herbal scent. I think you have to smell it for yourself to determine if you like it or not, but be aware that it's a very strong and overpowering scent.

So first the good side of this mask! Immediately after using this mask, my skin felt very soft and I could feel that my skin was nice and tight. Additionally, my pores were pretty much nonexistent after using this mask, which is something I'm always looking for in a face mask.

Now, on the negative side, with the dead skin removed from my face, I found that my skin on my face was very shiny and it even showed through my foundation and makeup. Even more problematic than that, I experienced some MASSIVE breakouts a couple of days after using this mask. I'm not talking small breakouts, I mean large breakouts and the kind the hurt under the skin.

Final Verdict:
I liked how smooth and tight this product made my skin and face feel immediately after using it, but I hate how I had massive, painful breakouts from it. I definitely won't be finishing the pot because the breakouts just aren't worth it to me. I definitely think this would be a great product for mature skin as it does have a great lifting sensation and for those who are not prone to breakouts, as that was my biggest problem with this mask. I am curious about trying another Lush facial mask, maybe the Self-Preserving Mask of Magnamity? I like that they updated the formula of that mask so you don't need to keep it in the fridge and it will last much longer!

Have you tried any of Lush facial masks? Which ones are your favorite? Please leave a comment below, I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks for reading!

PS- Sorry for not updating sooner, it's been a very busy couple of days! I'm trying to get back on track. See you all tomorrow!

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